Main citations

This is the generic main citation for the framework

The automated computation of tree-level and next-to-leading order differential cross sections, and their matching to parton shower simulations

J. Alwall, R. Frederix, S. Frixione, V. Hirschi, F. Maltoni, O. Mattelaer, H.-S. Shao, T. Stelzer, P. Torrielli, M. Zaro

arXiv:1405.0301 [hep-ph] INSPIRE

When using complete NLO results (NLO EW corrections and further subleading NLO contributions in the SM and Beyond) please also always cite (MadGraph5_aMC@NLO v3+)

The automation of next-to-leading order electroweak calculations

R. Frederix, S. Frixione, V. Hirschi, D. Pagani, H.-S. Shao, M. Zaro

arXiv:1804.10017 [hep-ph] INSPIRE

In addition to the paper above, the following papers should or may be cited as well, depending on which aspect(s) of a given simulation are particularly relevant and worth stressing. If in doubt, please contact us: we will be happy to help.

Native tools and packages

When using the following specific functionalities, please cite the corresponding papers to give credit to the authors:

    • Automatic spin-entangled decays of heavy resonances in Monte Carlo simulations
      P. Artoisenet, R. Frederix, O. Mattelaer, R. Rietkerk
      arXiv:1212.3460 [hep-ph] INSPIRE

    Loop-induced processes:



    • Computing decay rates for new physics theories with FeynRules and MadGraph5/aMC@NLO
      J. Alwall, Johan, C.Duhr, B.Fuks, O. Mattelaer, D. Ozturk, and others
      arXiv:1402.1178 [hep-ph] INSPIRE

Multi-parton merging, LO and NLO

When using merging of samples with different multiplicities please cite
    Merging at LO:

    • Comparative study of various algorithms for the merging of parton showers and matrix elements in hadronic collisions
      Johan Alwall et al.
      arXiv:0706.2569 [hep-ph] INSPIRE

Generalities on matching NLO computations to parton showers

When using NLO generation of events please
    General formalism:

    • Matching NLO QCD computations and parton shower simulations
      Stefano Frixione, Bryan R. Webber
      hep-ph/0204244 INSPIRE

And when appropriate consider citing:
    Herwig++ matching:

    Pythia6 matching:


Event reweighting

    Scale and PDF uncertainties at NLO:

    • Four-lepton production at hadron colliders: aMC@NLO predictions with theoretical uncertainties
      Rikkert Frederix, Stefano Frixione, Valentin Hirschi, Fabio Maltoni, Roberto Pittau, Paolo Torrielli
      arXiv:1110.4738 [hep-ph] INSPIRE

NLO methods

To be cited when referring to the original results/methods implemented in the NLO calculations:

    • Three jet cross-sections to next-to-leading order
      S. Frixione, Z. Kunszt, A. Signer
      hep-ph/9512328 INSPIRE

    One-loop integral reduction methods:

    • Reducing full one-loop amplitudes to scalar integrals at the integrand level
      Giovanni Ossola, Costas G. Papadopoulos, Roberto Pittau
      hep-ph/0609007 INSPIRE

    • Integrand reduction of one-loop scattering amplitudes through Laurent series expansion
      Pierpaolo Mastrolia, Edoardo Mirabella, Tiziano Peraro
      arXiv:1203.0291 INSPIRE

NLO automation: tools embedded in the official release

To be cited when referring to the original developments achieved in the automation of NLO calculations:

    • Automation of next-to-leading order computations in QCD: The FKS subtraction
      Rikkert Frederix, Stefano Frixione, Fabio Maltoni, Tim Stelzer
      arXiv:0908.4272 [hep-ph] INSPIRE


    • Automation of one-loop QCD corrections
      Valentin Hirschi, Rikkert Frederix, Stefano Frixione, Maria Vittoria Garzelli, Fabio Maltoni, Roberto Pittau
      arXiv:1103.0621 [hep-ph] INSPIRE


    • CutTools: A Program implementing the OPP reduction method to compute one-loop amplitudes
      Giovanni Ossola, Costas G. Papadopoulos, Roberto Pittau
      arXiv:0711.3596 [hep-ph] INSPIRE



    OpenLoops method:

Spin correlations


    • Angular correlations of lepton pairs from vector boson and top quark decays in Monte Carlo simulations
      S. Frixione, E. Laenen, P. Motylinski, B.R. Webber
      hep-ph/0702198 [hep-ph] INSPIRE

    Tool implementation:

    • Automatic spin-entangled decays of heavy resonances in Monte Carlo simulations
      P. Artoisenet, R. Frederix, O. Mattelaer, R. Rietkerk
      arXiv:1212.3460 [hep-ph] INSPIRE


    • TauDecay: a library to simulate polarized tau decays via FeynRules and MadGraph5
      K. Hagiwara, T. Li, K. Mawatari,J. Nakamura
      arXiv:1212.6247 [hep-ph] INSPIRE

Polarised collisions

e+e- collisions

Polarised collisions


    Spin-3/2 implementation:

    • Simulating spin-$\frac{3}{2}$ particles at colliders
      Christensen, Neil D. and de Aquino, P. and Deutschmann, N. and Duhr, C. and Fuks, B. and Garcia-Cely, C. and Mattelaer, O. and Mawatari, K. and Oexl, B. and Takaesu, Y.
      arXiv:1308.1668 [hep-ph] INSPIRE

    Spin-2 implementation (LO and NLO):

    • NLO predictions for the production of a spin-two particle at the LHC
      Goutam Das, Celine Degrande, Valentin Hirschi, Fabio Maltoni, Hua-Sheng Shao
      arXiv:1605.09359 [hep-ph] INSPIRE

    SUSY (NLO):

    • Automated simulations beyond the Standard Model: supersymmetry
      Stefano Frixione, Benjamin Fuks, Valentin Hirschi, Kentarou Mawatari, Hua-Sheng Shao, P.A. Sunder, Marco Zaro
      arXiv:1907.04898 [hep-ph] INSPIRE

    SMEFT at NLO:

    • Automated one-loop computations in the SMEFT
      Céline Degrande, Gauthier Durieux, Fabio Maltoni, Ken Mimasu, Eleni Vryonidou, Cen Zhang
      arXiv:2008.11743 [hep-ph] INSPIRE

Code developments and improvements

To be cited when explicitly used or when comparing with other technical achievements:
    Phase-Space integration at LO and evaluation of LO matrix-element:

    Axial gauge:

Third party codes shipped with the MadGraph5_aMC@NLO package


    • ALOHA: Automatic Libraries Of Helicity Amplitudes for Feynman diagram computations
      P. de Aquino, W. Link, F. Maltoni, O. Mattelaer, T. Stelzer
      arXiv:1108.2041 [hep-ph] INSPIRE


    • CutTools: a program implementing the OPP reduction method to compute one-loop amplitudes
      G. Ossola, C. G. Papadopoulos, R. Pittau
      arXiv:0711.3596 [hep-ph] INSPIRE


    • Integral REduction with General positive propagator Indices
      H.-S. Shao


    • HELAS: HELicity amplitude subroutines for Feynman diagram evaluations
      H. Murayama, I. Watanabe, K. Hagiwara


    • HERWIG 6.5: an event generator for Hadron Emission Reactions With Interfering Gluons (including supersymmetric processes)
      G. Corcella, I. Knowles, G. Marchesini, S. Moretti, K. Odagiri, P. Richardson, M. H. Seymour, B. R. Webber
      hep-ph/0011363 INSPIRE




    • MadDM v.3.0: a Comprehensive Tool for Dark Matter Studies
      Federico Ambrogi, Chiara Arina, Mihailo Backovic, Jan Heisig, Fabio Maltoni, Luca Mantani, Olivier Mattelaer, Gopolang Mohlabeng
      arXiv:1804.00044 [hep-ph] INSPIRE

    • Automated simulations beyond the Standard Model: supersymmetry
      Stefano Frixione, Benjamin Fuks, Valentin Hirschi, Kentarou Mawatari, Hua-Sheng Shao, P.A. Sunder, Marco Zaro
      arXiv:1907.04898 [hep-ph] INSPIRE


    • Event generation for beam dump experiments
      Luca Buonocore, Claudia Frugiuele, Fabio Maltoni, Olivier Mattelaer, Francesco Tramontano
      arXiv:1812.06771 [hep-ph] INSPIRE

Third-party codes that can be obtained via the install command:

Third-party codes that require independent installation:


    • FeynRules 2.0 - A complete toolbox for tree-level phenomenology
      Adam Alloul, Neil D. Christensen, Celine Degrande, Claude Duhr, Benjamin Fuks
      arXiv:1310.1921 [hep-ph] INSPIRE


    • Automated simulations beyond the Standard Model: supersymmetry
      Stefano Frixione, Benjamin Fuks, Valentin Hirschi, Kentarou Mawatari, Hua-Sheng Shao, P.A. Sunder, Marco Zaro
      arXiv:1907.04898 [hep-ph] INSPIRE
    Pythia 8:

    • A Brief Introduction to PYTHIA 8.2
      Torbjorn Sjostrand, Stefan Ask, Jesper R. Christiansen, Richard Corke, Nishita Desai, Philip Ilten, Stephen Mrenna, Stefan Prestel, Christine O. Rasmussen, Peter Z. Skands
      arXiv:1410.3012 [hep-ph] INSPIRE
    Herwig++ :

    • Herwig++ Physics and Manual
      M. Bahr, S. Gieseke, M.A. Gigg, D. Grellscheid, K. Hamilton, O. Latunde-Dada, S. Platzer, P. Richardson, M.H. Seymour, A. Sherstnev et al.
      arXiv:0803.0883 [hep-ph] INSPIRE
    Herwig7 :

    • Herwig 7.0 / Herwig++ 3.0 Release Note
      Johannes Bellm, Stefan Gieseke, David Grellscheid, Simon Platzer, Michael Rauch, Christian Reuschle, Peter Richardson, Peter Schichtel, Michael H. Seymour, Andrzej Siodmok, Alexandra Wilcock, Nadine Fischer, Marco A. Harrendorf, Graeme Nail, Andreas Papaefstathiou, Daniel Rauch
      arXiv:1512.01178 [hep-ph] INSPIRE

Formats and standards: