Generate separate processes corresponding
p p > S [QCD]
p p > S j [QCD]
p p > S j j [QCD]
(without using the 'add process' syntax; really generate
them separately so that in the end you get an event file
for each of them separately), where S is any collection of
particles not including QCD light partons nor b quarks.
At the level of the generation of the hard events, make
sure to set the parameters related the merging in the
run_card in the same way as explained above for
Proceed normally with the event generation, but at the
level of the showering, events for which the jets after
showering do not 'match' the jets before showering should
be removed. The matching should be understood in the MLM
way. The easiest to do this, is at the level of the
analysis. For HERWIG 6 you can find a piece of
that should be used at the
level of the analysis. It rejects events for which the
jets after showering do not match the jets before
showering. Please copy the relevant code into your
analysis file. (The analysis file above writes out a
StdHEP file with the events passing the matching
criteria). It uses fastjet, so make sure to link that also
to your analysis. Be sure to set the
parameters - matching_scale
equal to the merging scale
- n_match equal to the number
of jets at the Born contribution of the current sample
- max_multiplicity to true if
the current sample is the one with the highest
multiplicity considered
before using it.