Frequently Asked Questions
How do I start?
Can I really generate any process I want?
What are the dependences of the MadGraph5_aMC@NLO code (and how to get them on lxplus (CERN))?
How do I set the renormalization and factorization scales?
How do I apply generation cuts?
How do I shower the parton-level events?
How do I get the scale dependence and PDF uncertainty without regenerating the events?
How can I evaluate loops only for specific phase-space points using MadLoop?
How can I run MadGraph5_aMC@NLO with a script?
Current limitations and common mistakes
Processes that need generation cuts
Loops: what is possible and what is not
Decay chains
Inclusion of the width: schemes
Appearance of resonances in real corrections
Lepton-hadron collisions
Inclusive samples and merging different parton/jet multiplicities (FxFx merging)
Special settings for the parton shower
Sample of processes
For a non-exhaustive list of processes, see the MadGraph5_aMC@NLO paper