Processes with jets at the Born level require generation cuts on these jets. These generation cuts should be significantly looser than the analysis cuts to prevent biases from occuring in physical observables, see also here for an example for p p > e+ ve j [QCD] (registration is needed). It is recommended to generate at least two event files with different generation cuts and check that the final results after the analysis cuts do not depend on the generation cuts.
As far as virtual corrections are
concerned, only QCD corrections in the standard model are
currently supported. However, by using Feynrules
NLO-validated models (see the FeynRules NLO models database) also QCD corrections in simple
BSM models are possible.
All loop diagrams that have internal lines that are not
coloured are not included, because these corrections are
not considered to be pure QCD corrections: in general, these
can also be viewed as EW corrections to a QCD process and
perturbative expansion in the EW couplings is not
supported yet. It is up to the user to decide whether the exclusion
of these contributions gives meaningful (and gauge
invariant) results or not.
The decay-chain syntax of MadGraph is not supported. Use the MadSpin package to include spin-correlations for decaying particles.
A consistent SU(2)×U(1) gauge invariant treatment of width effects (such as the complex mass scheme) is still under validation when unstable colored particles appear in the loop. Therefore processes that feature resonances charged in QCD are not yet supported, e.g. p p > W+ W- b b~ [QCD] that has top quark resonant contributions.
Processes in which new resonances open up in the real-emission diagrams give unstable results that are usually wrong. For example p p > W+ W- [QCD] in the five-flavor scheme has top quark resonant contributions in the real emission diagrams that the phase-space integration is not able to handle, leading to a non-converging integral. (Note that for this particular case, p p > W+ W- [QCD], the solution is to use the four-flavor scheme with a diagonal CKM matrix to prevent the top quark resonance from appearing.) It is under investigation what the best solution is in the context of NLO event generation and therefore these processes are not yet supported.
Lepton-hadron collisions (DIS-like) are currently not supported. Lepton-lepton (LEP, ILC, CLIC, etc.) and hadron-hadron (Tevatron, LHC, etc.) collisions are fully supported.
Fully inclusive samples with different jet multiplicities can be obtained automatically at LO. At NLO, the FxFx merging proposed in arXiv:1209.6215 [hep-ph] and is semi-automated. Further information can be found here
During the shower phase some parameters are not arbitrary as they have to be identical to those we have assumed in the Monte Carlo subtraction terms. In particular, the following settings MUST NOT BE CHANGED: